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The CARFAC-RAAV Minimum Recommended Fee Schedule provides guidelines on what visual and media artists should be paid for their copyright and other professional services. Canadian Copyright laws provide artists with the right to be paid for exhibitions and reproductions, and most public funders require that museums and public galleries pay royalties and fees according to our guidelines. All rates shown in the Fee Schedule are in Canadian dollars and PST/GST/HST (if applicable) is not included.

To view the correct rates for your project, choose the year in which the exhibition, reproduction, or service takes place from the tabs at the top, and then visit the relevant section(s) for your project.

Rates for 2025, 2026, and 2027 are now available.

What does the Fee Schedule apply to?

If an artwork is exhibited in a public gallery where the work is not for sale, the artist should be paid a royalty. Those royalties are found in Section 1 of the Fee Schedule.

If an artwork is reproduced in a book or on a website, etc. the artist should receive a royalty. Those royalties are found in Section 2 (non-commercial/non-advertising uses) and Section 3 (commercial/advertising) of the Fee Schedule.

If an artist is asked to give a presentation, speak on a panel, write an artist statement, install their work, etc, they should be paid a fee for those services.  Professional services fees are provided in Section 4 of the Fee Schedule.

What rates apply to members of Copyright Visual Arts?

Copyright Visual Arts negotiates copyright licenses on behalf of their affiliated members, and their rates sometimes differ slightly from ours. Contact them for details.


If you have any further questions, please contact:

April Britski, CARFAC National Executive Director

Camille Cazin, General Director, RAAV